
Wild-Hearted Weekly

Every Saturday receive actionable tips, personal stories, mini-challenges and recommendations each week that help you help you move forward and create the dream and the life you want.

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#013 - Identifying and Overcoming Creative Blocks

Please note that this newsletter contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. This weekly Wild-Hearted is brought to you by: My friend Val is running 10 Days of Action-Packed Challenges. She’s going to dive deep into strategies to revitalize your existing products, re-engage past clients, create compelling offers, and strategically connect with new customers. Join the Sprint Hey there, hi, something that is a common...
a piece of paper with a note attached to it

Stop putting things off until tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes.

How many ideas are currently floating around in your head? Do you find yourself constantly pushing tasks back, promising yourself that you'll do them "tomorrow"? When I was in my teens I always said I would write a book one day. I started several notebooks to get going and then eventually just stopped. I talked a lot about how I wanted to make art and make a living but never really took it too seriously. I talked about how I wanted to help people, so I went to college to earn my Master's in...

#012 - Learning a New Skill to Enhance Your Creativity

Please note that this newsletter contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. This weekly Wild-Hearted is brought to you by: I've been a member of Leonie’s Academy for quite some time navigating the space of online entrepreneur going back to 2015. It's been one of my best investments for my life and business and I simply just love her approach. She's getting ready to raise the price of her Brilliant Biz & Life Academy...

#011 - The Power of Collaboration with Other Creatives

This weekly Wild-Hearted is brought to you by: Happy Labor Day Weekend! While everyone else is firing up the grill, Val’s firing up your business revenue with a sizzling Labor Day Flash Sale! Sprint to Cash Challenge: Learn how to turn your existing products & services into a cash-generating machine. Join the Challenge Hey there! This week I want to write about the power of collaboration and how working with other creatives can elevate your projects. Actionable Tip: Collaborate with other...

Are you open to possibilities?

Have you ever paused to consider all of the things that are possible for you? As an artist when I first started selling my art back in 2005, I didn't know it would be possible for my work to be displayed in galleries and for sale in gift shops. A lot has happened in my personal since then, seeing my youngest through three liver transplants, graduating college with a master's degree, worked a regular job before going in on my coaching business, which also has pivoted a time or three. These...

#010 - Seeking Feedback to Improve Your Creative Work

This weekly Wild-Hearted is brought to you by: Get in front of people by sponsoring this newsletter Learn more Hey there, this week may be a bit challenging for some as we’re focusing on the power of feedback to refine and improve your creative work. Actionable Tip: Seek feedback to improve your work. Receiving constructive feedback can provide valuable insights. And yet, it can be challenging because we don't want to hear negative things about our work but for our personal development and...
woman standing on mountain

The Secret to Success? Get Uncomfortable.

For many years, I stayed away from places and events that required my art to be juried and evaluated. So, for the longest time, I played it safe, avoiding art shows, competitions, and any situation where my work would be judged. It was comfortable, but it was also limiting. The only places I felt comfortable were the farmer's market and the local county fair. I’ve realized that to truly grow as an artist and reach more people, I needed to step outside of my comfort zone. Getting my art into...

#009 - Avoiding Burnout with Regular Breaks

This weekly Wild-Hearted is brought to you by: Get in front of people by sponsoring this newsletter Learn more Hey there, I hope your sketchbook or journal is filling up with amazing ideas! If you've missed that email, you can still read it here! This week, we’re going to focus on the importance of taking regular breaks to avoid burnout and keep your creativity thriving. Actionable Tip: Take regular breaks to avoid burnout. Working non-stop can lead to exhaustion and burnout. Scheduling...

A Day in the Life

When I first started taking my business a little bit more seriously, I would devour self-help and business books, and one common theme I noticed was that people would get up before the crack of dawn. Now I naturally wake up every morning between 6 and 7 am and for a while I forced myself to get up at 4:30, you know for the success and all. But I soon realized that's not going to work for me. I returned to my regular schedule of waking between 6 and 7 am and going to bed between 8 and 9 pm. I...